jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

Food invention for 8th grade


The leading Manufacturer of convenience foods has a monopoly on the industry. You, the young, industrious, talented and creative cook and business person that you are want to cash in on this very lucrative business. You have decided to cash in on this popular food industry trend of convenience foods, as well as the “eating for good health” trend. You meet with two friends and decide to develop a new product, a healthy convenience food, that is not already on the market today. Who knows this healthy new convenience product just might make you and your friends millionaires! Possibly billionaires!!

  • Subjects and vocabulary:  Fitness and food
  • Grammar lessons: Nouns(countable and uncountable)
  • Reading Skills:   Understand information in notices, flyers and bulleting boards.
                                        Navegate the internet to find best places to eat in a city.  Understand and follow recipes.

Your task is to work with your lab group members to develop a new product. Your product will be a healthy, convenience food that is not already on the market today. Your group will come up with an idea for a new product, produce it, package it, market it and “sell” it!!

1.Research and review what we have been covering in class on convenience foods. Define what constitutes a convenience food, and define what constitutes healthy. Complete this Worksheet:

Convenience Foods Overview

  1. What is a convenience food?
  2. Give 5 examples of convenience foods:
  3. What are the advantages of convenience foods?
  4. What are the disadvantages of conveniente foods?
  5. Why are convenience foods so popular today?
  6. Define healthy foods:
  7. Name 5 unhealthy convenience foods:
  8. Name 5 healthy convenience foods:
  9. Was it easier to list healthy or unhealthy convenience foods?  Why?
  10. Can you think of any favorite foods/recipes that are healthy that might be popular if it was a convenience food?  What is it?  You may want to consider this for your project.

2. Identify a “Target Group” you are interested in focusing your product toward and aiming your marketing techniques at. Complete this Worksheet

Choose a Target Group for Your Project

What is a target group?
            A target group is a group of people that you will gear your new food product toward.  It is a group of people that have something in common and will probably have common food likes and food needs.

Examples of target groups:  (but you are not limited to these)

·      Babies
·      Toddlers
·      Pre-School Children
·      School age children
·      Teens
·      College Students
·      Yuppies (young urban professionals)
·      Families
·      Working parents
·      The Elderly
·      Athletes
·      Non-athletes
·      Outdoors Men and Women
·      Marathon Runners
·      Beach Lovers
·      Weight Watchers
·      Etc.
·      Etc.

3. Brainstorm ideas for healthy convenience food products for this target group. Fill out Graphic Organizer.

Healthy Convenience Food Invention Project
Brainstorming Worksheet

Our best idea for a healthy convenience food is _______________________________.

Because: ________________________________________________________________


4.Create or find a recipe for your product. Use cookbooks, food preparation periodicals or Recipe Websites.
5. Fill out the Project Proposal form when you have decided on your healthy convenience food invention product.

Convenience Invention Project Proposal
Due: Friday of the 1st week of project planning

Product we are inventing:

Does this convenience exist on the market today?
 If yes, how is yours different?
 Is this food product nutritious?  Why?
 Where did you find the recipe? (Attach copy of recipe to this form)
 Target Group:
 What will your food package be? 
 What will your advertisement be?
 How will you present this product to the class?

5. Design a box/package and food label for this new convenience food product including all Government required labeling information.

6.Create an advertising campaign and advertisement for your product. (Extra Credit!!!)

7. Prepare samples of the product during designated lab periods in school or at home.

8 . Present and sell your product, package and advertisement to the class providing taste test samples for the class. (SeePresentation Requirements) See teacher for assigned presentation date.

Convenience Invention
Presentation Requirements

All group members must participate in the presentation in some way

  • Presentation of product may be done in any way you choose
    • Suggestions –Power Point, Skit, Sales Pitch Speech, Video, etc.

  • Presentation must include
    • Explanation of Target Group
    • Explanation of New Convenience Food Product
    • Rationale for Inventing this product for this target group
    • Display of Package
    • Presentation of advertisement (extra credit)
    • Samples of product for class

9. Check the project checklist and the grading rubric and the group member participation form for the best grade possible on this project !
 Convenience Project
  Assignment Requirements Checklist

______  Brainstorming Page (found in this packet) Due Wed.,April 22nd

______  Project Proposal Sheet (found in this packet) Due Wed.,April 22nd

______  Participation form - (found in this packet) Due Wed.,April 22nd

______  Samples of your food product for all class members. Due at Presentation – see  date

______  A box or package with all labeling required by law (can be anything you want that is  appropriate for product)  Due at Presentation – see date below
                       ______ Brand name of product
                       ______ What product actually is
                       ______ Nutrition Facts Panel
                       ______ Net weight
                       ______ Ingredients
                       ______ Company address

______  Extra Credit!!!! An advertisement for your product (a video of your commercial, flyer, magazine ad, newspaper ad, radio ad, etc.) Due at Presentation – see date below

______  Evaluation sheet for all classmates products 

Project Due Date:

Convenience Invention Project
Group Participation Involvement

Group/Foods Lab # ________________

Period __________

List below what each group member did to help contribute to the Convenience Invention Project:

Group Member 1 ______________________________________________

Group Member 2 ______________________________________________

Group Member 3 ______________________________________________

Convenience foods are extremely popular today due to a variety of factors including our busy lifestyles. But health is an issue when it comes to the consumption of an excess of these and other processed foods. As Americans we need to weigh the pros and cons of this popular food trend. We need to consider healthy alternatives, and the alternatives are many. One of those alternatives may be to enter the business world and develop your own line of healthy convenience foods. You never know, this may be the latest trend in the food industry. Your products!!

Convenience Foods Overview

.....Convenience Foods Overview
.....Food Trends Today
.....Health/Nutrition I
.....Health/Nutrition II
.....Food Labeling
.....FDA Info on Labeling
.....Package Design
.....Recipes I
.....Recipes II
.....Recipes III

Travel Brochure: The sky´s the limit 7 grade

Create a Travel BrochureA WebQuest for Miss Joyce

The Sky's the Limit


  • Subjects and vocabulary:  Growing up in different cultures, keeping in touch and the environment
  • Grammar lessons: Modal verbs
  • Reading Skills:   Skimming a text to find general ideas
Congratulations!!! You and three of your classmates have just been chosen to be the founding fathers of a new company called "The Sky's the Limit." This company will be marketing a rare product, one which will be highly valued by all human beings who enjoy traveling, but don't have the time, resources, or perhaps the energy to research the area to which they would like to travel. You are not only going to entice the tourists of this world, but you are also going to have a hand in helping the tourism industry. Not only will this new position offer you the opportunity to work with your peers, it may also allow you to explore many areas of this planet that you have yet to see. Bon Voyage!!

The Task

Welcome to your first assignment. In order to ensure that your new company takes off with a flying start, you and your partners need to create a sample product which "The Sky's the Limit" will be using to advertise its services. Your foursome will be designing and creating a unique travel brochure by using Internet web sites. Within this brochure you will be including general information about the selected destination, areas of historical and recreational interest, and a choice of travel packages. In addition, you must include pictures and images to appeal to the eyes of your consumers. Remember, first impressions are always the most lasting impressions, so you'll want to create an out of this world brochure example. Use the bag of words in your travel .

Hopefully this advertising will yield smooth sailing ahead!! 

The Process

1. The first thing that you and your colleagues need to do is decide on the destination for which you will create your first travel brochure to advertise. Brainstorm possible destinations that you think the public would be interested in. Once you have a list of worthy destinations, hold a group vote to decide upon the destination on which you will base your travel brochure.
2. Your group next needs to distribute the following roles to each member of the group. Below is a list of roles that need to be fulfilled, followed by a description of the job that accompanies the role. In the "Resources" portion, you will find a list of websites to consult in order to complete each job effectively and efficiently.
Ambassador of Destination: 
The ambassador will be the person who is providing a complete profile of the destination. The ambassador should provide the following:
  • a detailed map of the destination
  • geographic, demographic, and environmental descriptions
  • population and weather reports
  • a list of major cities
  • language(s) spoken
  • religions and holidays celebrated
  • government and cultures practiced
  • the currency used
 Historian/Tour Guide:
The historian/tour guide is responsible for providing a brief history of the destination, in addition to finding areas of historical or trivial interest within the desired destination. The historian should research and include the following:
  • specific historical locations
  • a map and brief description of the significance of each historical location
  • a list of available tours that offer tourists an opportunity to site see
  • a price list and schedule of tours
 Recreation Director:
Everyone likes to have fun on vacation, so the recreation director has an important job. He or she needs to find the hot spots or events at the desired destination and make them available to the tourists. Remember, not everyone is alike. Some people like water sports; some like indoor activities. Some people are early risers, while others party all night long and sleep late. The recreation director needs to research and identify the following:
  • activities varying from indoor to outdoor, land to water, dawn to dusk
  • names and locations of areas of interest (recreation, dining, etc.)
  • maps, schedules, and prices for activities if available
  • any other specific instructions or restrictions to accompany activities
 Travel Agent:
The travel agent too has a very important job. For without this help, people would not be able to get to their destination. The travel agent needs to shop around and find the best prices for the following:
  • transportation to destination
  • transportation within destination (car rental, subway, bus, etc.)
  • lodging accommodations
  • dining accommodations
In addition, the travel agent needs to offer a variety of packages for the various wallet sizes. The travel agent must keep in mind that people of all incomes and interests travel. Some like to travel with class; some just like to get to their desired destination, even if it means driving long hours in a bus. Also, the travel agent must remember that not all people are crazy about the same types of transportation, hotel chains, and restaurants. The key to success with this job is offering a variety of packages that include a variety of choices.

3. Once all roles have been distributed, each group member should visit the given web sites and begin to compile all of the information and images for which he or she is responsible.
4. Once all information has been collected, as individuals you must sort through your collection, selecting the important stuff and discarding the rest. You will then need to begin the writing process. You need to convey the information you have collected in a persuasive fashion. After all, you do want to rally some interest in your customers rather than discourage their travels. Persuasive language includes lots of detailed descriptions, action verbs, and imaginative phrases.
5. Once all information has been collected and rough drafts have been written, your group needs to begin putting together the travel brochure. Your group may decide to do this in two ways. You may print your collections and cut and paste them by hand onto a piece of paper, OR you could take advantage of the technology available to you and cut and paste electronically. This is a decision that your group must make.
I highly recommend that your group designs the travel brochure you wish to create once all of the information and images have been collected. Then proceed to put the brochure together once a desired product has been established.

The following links will be extremely helpful to you when your group researches its chosen destination.

Lonely Planet provides general information, maps, histories, travel packages, entertainment and site seeing guides for the destination of your choice.Looksmart provides general information, maps, histories, travel packages, entertainment, and site seeing guides for the destination of your choice.
Lonely Planet-Destinations provides specific information about specific destinations.Excite-Travel provides general information, maps, histories, travel packages, entertainment, and site seeing guides for the destination of your choice.
Yahoo-Travel provides general information, maps, histories, travel packages, entertainment, and site seeing guides for the destination of your choice.Excite-Destinations provides specific information about specific destinations.
Yahoo-Recreation/Travel provides entertainment and recreational information for the destination of your choice.Best Read Guide provides general information, maps, histories, travel packages, entertainment, and site seeing guides for the destination of your choice.
Yahoo-Vacations/Travel provides on-line assistance for vacation planning, including transportation, lodging, and dining accommodations.Travelon provides vacation packages to choose from for any chosen destination.

Bag of words


Each group member will be given an individual grade as well as a group grade.
Group members will be graded individually based on:
  • the fulfillment of his/her job
  • the quality of material included in the brochure
  • the content, organization, and mechanics of the persuasive writing
  • the creativity executed to complete the work
  • the neatness exhibited in the final product
Group grades will be based on:
  • the overall appearance of the final product
  • the collaborative effort exhibited to complete the brochure
  • the fulfillment of the project criteria 
  • Travel Brochure WebQuest RubricName:____________________________________ Section:_____________


    Individual Grade:

    fulfillment of individual role






    quality of included material






    content of persuasive writing






    organization of persuasive writing






    mechanics of persuasive writing


















    TOTAL Individual Points


    Group Grade:

    overall appearance






    collaborative effort






    fulfillment of project criteria






    TOTAL Group Points





The Internet can be a very valuable source to all people, particularly when they need to get information quickly and successfully. Traveling on the Internet can be just as enjoyable for cyber surfers as it is for tourists. Not all people have the resources to travel, so the Internet offers an opportunity that they may not otherwise be given.
By completing this webquest, you have cooperated with your peers to gain knowledge about your selected destination and technological skills to create electronic products, and to improve your persuasive writing skills. Bravo! Job well done!


 Based: Whitehall-Coplay Middle School Experience