jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

Food invention for 8th grade


The leading Manufacturer of convenience foods has a monopoly on the industry. You, the young, industrious, talented and creative cook and business person that you are want to cash in on this very lucrative business. You have decided to cash in on this popular food industry trend of convenience foods, as well as the “eating for good health” trend. You meet with two friends and decide to develop a new product, a healthy convenience food, that is not already on the market today. Who knows this healthy new convenience product just might make you and your friends millionaires! Possibly billionaires!!

  • Subjects and vocabulary:  Fitness and food
  • Grammar lessons: Nouns(countable and uncountable)
  • Reading Skills:   Understand information in notices, flyers and bulleting boards.
                                        Navegate the internet to find best places to eat in a city.  Understand and follow recipes.

Your task is to work with your lab group members to develop a new product. Your product will be a healthy, convenience food that is not already on the market today. Your group will come up with an idea for a new product, produce it, package it, market it and “sell” it!!

1.Research and review what we have been covering in class on convenience foods. Define what constitutes a convenience food, and define what constitutes healthy. Complete this Worksheet:

Convenience Foods Overview

  1. What is a convenience food?
  2. Give 5 examples of convenience foods:
  3. What are the advantages of convenience foods?
  4. What are the disadvantages of conveniente foods?
  5. Why are convenience foods so popular today?
  6. Define healthy foods:
  7. Name 5 unhealthy convenience foods:
  8. Name 5 healthy convenience foods:
  9. Was it easier to list healthy or unhealthy convenience foods?  Why?
  10. Can you think of any favorite foods/recipes that are healthy that might be popular if it was a convenience food?  What is it?  You may want to consider this for your project.

2. Identify a “Target Group” you are interested in focusing your product toward and aiming your marketing techniques at. Complete this Worksheet

Choose a Target Group for Your Project

What is a target group?
            A target group is a group of people that you will gear your new food product toward.  It is a group of people that have something in common and will probably have common food likes and food needs.

Examples of target groups:  (but you are not limited to these)

·      Babies
·      Toddlers
·      Pre-School Children
·      School age children
·      Teens
·      College Students
·      Yuppies (young urban professionals)
·      Families
·      Working parents
·      The Elderly
·      Athletes
·      Non-athletes
·      Outdoors Men and Women
·      Marathon Runners
·      Beach Lovers
·      Weight Watchers
·      Etc.
·      Etc.

3. Brainstorm ideas for healthy convenience food products for this target group. Fill out Graphic Organizer.

Healthy Convenience Food Invention Project
Brainstorming Worksheet

Our best idea for a healthy convenience food is _______________________________.

Because: ________________________________________________________________


4.Create or find a recipe for your product. Use cookbooks, food preparation periodicals or Recipe Websites.
5. Fill out the Project Proposal form when you have decided on your healthy convenience food invention product.

Convenience Invention Project Proposal
Due: Friday of the 1st week of project planning

Product we are inventing:

Does this convenience exist on the market today?
 If yes, how is yours different?
 Is this food product nutritious?  Why?
 Where did you find the recipe? (Attach copy of recipe to this form)
 Target Group:
 What will your food package be? 
 What will your advertisement be?
 How will you present this product to the class?

5. Design a box/package and food label for this new convenience food product including all Government required labeling information.

6.Create an advertising campaign and advertisement for your product. (Extra Credit!!!)

7. Prepare samples of the product during designated lab periods in school or at home.

8 . Present and sell your product, package and advertisement to the class providing taste test samples for the class. (SeePresentation Requirements) See teacher for assigned presentation date.

Convenience Invention
Presentation Requirements

All group members must participate in the presentation in some way

  • Presentation of product may be done in any way you choose
    • Suggestions –Power Point, Skit, Sales Pitch Speech, Video, etc.

  • Presentation must include
    • Explanation of Target Group
    • Explanation of New Convenience Food Product
    • Rationale for Inventing this product for this target group
    • Display of Package
    • Presentation of advertisement (extra credit)
    • Samples of product for class

9. Check the project checklist and the grading rubric and the group member participation form for the best grade possible on this project !
 Convenience Project
  Assignment Requirements Checklist

______  Brainstorming Page (found in this packet) Due Wed.,April 22nd

______  Project Proposal Sheet (found in this packet) Due Wed.,April 22nd

______  Participation form - (found in this packet) Due Wed.,April 22nd

______  Samples of your food product for all class members. Due at Presentation – see  date

______  A box or package with all labeling required by law (can be anything you want that is  appropriate for product)  Due at Presentation – see date below
                       ______ Brand name of product
                       ______ What product actually is
                       ______ Nutrition Facts Panel
                       ______ Net weight
                       ______ Ingredients
                       ______ Company address

______  Extra Credit!!!! An advertisement for your product (a video of your commercial, flyer, magazine ad, newspaper ad, radio ad, etc.) Due at Presentation – see date below

______  Evaluation sheet for all classmates products 

Project Due Date:

Convenience Invention Project
Group Participation Involvement

Group/Foods Lab # ________________

Period __________

List below what each group member did to help contribute to the Convenience Invention Project:

Group Member 1 ______________________________________________

Group Member 2 ______________________________________________

Group Member 3 ______________________________________________

Convenience foods are extremely popular today due to a variety of factors including our busy lifestyles. But health is an issue when it comes to the consumption of an excess of these and other processed foods. As Americans we need to weigh the pros and cons of this popular food trend. We need to consider healthy alternatives, and the alternatives are many. One of those alternatives may be to enter the business world and develop your own line of healthy convenience foods. You never know, this may be the latest trend in the food industry. Your products!!

Convenience Foods Overview

.....Convenience Foods Overview
.....Food Trends Today
.....Health/Nutrition I
.....Health/Nutrition II
.....Food Labeling
.....FDA Info on Labeling
.....Package Design
.....Recipes I
.....Recipes II
.....Recipes III

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